VULCAN's new breed of Amiga software What can I say... Vulcan has been sweating away determined to make a difference to the current state of the Amiga market. Being 100% dedicated to commercially supporting the Amiga means that our efforts alone over the last 6 months have built a frame work to enable more AAA commercial quality Amiga titles to be released over the next few months than ever before from one Publisher on this platform. Some you already know about: -------------------------------------------------- BOGRATS A1200 2meg Platform Puzzler JETPILOT All Amigas 1meg-6meg Flight Simulator TINY TROOPS All Amigas 1meg-2meg (C&C) Light Hearted War Strategy BURNOUT A1200 6meg Multiplayer Car Crashing Game BREED2000 All Amigas 1meg Space colonisation (Simcity meets Dune) VALHALLA 4 All Amiga 1meg Speaks (ha) for itslef, fans only.. THE ENFORCER A1200 6meg Scary, fast doom shit in tunnels...eeek And on top of all that you still want more..... sigh...........WELL HERE IT IS!!!!!!!!! Be prepared for the biggest title ever to hit the AMIGA.....and I mean EVER......, this title alone is gonna have retailers and all you gamers screaming for a copy from the first production run... State of the ART graphic Adventure........won't even need to hype this title when it starts to appear...... CERTIFICATE 18 due to the extremly violent nature of language.. Animations are out of this world and breaks new ground for the Amiga.. Adventure Mystery Storyline coupled with arcade action and tact enables you to grab your oozi's and let rip on some alien shit...not just any alien shit but angry mother fu**ing kick ass alien shit..prepare yourself for.. <<<<<<-----------------------HELLPIGS-------------------------->>>>>> To keep the publishing ball rolling it'll work on 2 meg Amigas....ooooh, don't know what you'll be missing. To reap the benifit of (state of the art) gamepaly and visuals we are talking 4 meg and accelerator.... Language versions: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish The floppy version is 22 disks!!!!!!!!!!! due to enhanced compression codes it should have been 40! disks...(obviously this is hard drive installable but can still play from floppy if you wish) There are 200-300 digitized character anims in the game OKAY-----Now to show our support for the high end beasties out there! AMIGA CD ROM VERSION!**********************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know, I know, I told you it would happen.....prove me wrong about expected sales figures on this's my test to the community... ---<<<(((2)))>>>--- CD's---- 100's of Mbs of filmed material, real actors, real footage, real speech, music atmos.......ooooogh, cant fu**ing wait..... Look out for more exciting news on HELLPIGS------------coming your way around January 1997..... Vulcan Software Limited is now the Biggest Publisher/Developer for the Amiga in the UK (and it'll soon be the world) Very arrogant I know, but someones got to bring this machine back some how.......(and at least we are doing our bit) Okay, I've taken my stress pill and calmed down, back to that easy going polite person from Vulcan....but I just had to let you know...thank you for listening. Kind Regards Mr Paul Carrington BA (Director) Vulcan Software Limited / Vulcan House / Tel: +44 (0) 1705 670269 72 Queens Road / Fax: +44 (0) 1705 662226 Buckland / Email: Portsmouth / Pages: Hants PO2 7NA / England UK / END ===